+996 (312) 61 46 34
+996 (312) 98 67 68
+996 (558) 98 67 68
+996 (701) 98 67 68
+996 (777) 98 67 68
+996 (312) 61 45 88

Mandatory motor third-party liability insurance (OMTPLI)
Mandatory insurance of civil liability of organizations, operating dangerous production objects
Mandatory civil liability insurance of dangerous cargo carrier
Mandatory insurance of the carrier’s civil liability against passengers
Mandatory insurance of employer civil liability
Obligatory motor third-party liability insurance
Obligatory motor third-party liability insurance
Obligatory insurance of hazardous production facilities
Obligatory civil liability insurance of dangerous cargo carrier
Obligatory liability insurance of passengers carrier
Obligatory insurance of employer civil liability
  • Insurance calculator
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  • Call for insurance agent
  • Register of Insurance agents
  • Register of MTPL insurance policy forms